Whats Inside

This is the web central for me; Trevor Williams. I'm a photographer and artist living and working in West Cork, Ireland. My work is very much based in the landscape both in the subject matter, and the methods and approaches to displaying the finished works.

I build all my own picture frames from scratch using locally and ethically sourced, naturally growing wood from sustainable locations. Some of the recent frames I have built are from the trees blown over by Storm Ophelia. 

Day to day I see photographs wherever I go and sometimes, If the photo god is looking down and smiling; they turn out to become images in this website, and with hope are seen and enjoyed.

This Website in a nutshell:

If you need to contact me click onto the Connect with Me page and use whichever method listed there that suits. At the time of writting this there were quite few.

The Photographs page is self explanatory; you'll find all my work there together with any extra media associated with the images.

The Daybook is my blog. A random collection of videos, writings scribles and words created at times when I felt a mind to.

So please do look around and I hope you get something out of it

Latest Daybook

A couple of times I've found myself taking a landscape view photograph in one direction; and then...
At some point a plan and layout of the site will be displayed for the enjoyment of the search...

Site Info

All contents of this website including photographs, video & text are the copywrite of Trevor Williams.
Please request permission before using any of my work.

More information regarding usage can be found on the T&Cs page .