I'm having a fun time setting up my website to send out facebook, twitter & linkedin posts. Idea being to entice people to take a looksie at the website.

Now the stuff I'm writting here, in this post, isn't likely to stir anything other than mild indifferent curiosity but it will serve to help me assemble the various bits of the jigsaw that will mean I can create some content that will, hopefully, stir interest and in so doing I might make it also entertaining in some small way. I have to setup my Joomla website so that it sends out a post to the three social media platforms whenever I create something, like this written piece. Theres a whole host of things that get sent over as seperate bits of info such as title and summary, author and date. The one I'm trying to grasp is adding an image that shows up as part of the post. Having tracked it down to here I'm about to start work on it

And I managed to achieve said aim. It would be nice to get some more info coming up on each post but I'm happy with what done so far. Just testing LinkedIn now

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All contents of this website including photographs, video & text are the copywrite of Trevor Williams.
Please request permission before using any of my work.

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